Just woke up at 6 AM. I was having a dream, I was taking my daughter on a kind of voyage, that involved scaling mountains, a nearly 100% grade. We were in a contraption that pulled us up, there were stones carved into log forms that were meant for climbing up, though it was nearly impossible. And my hands were slippery and I kept trying to wipe them on concrete… to no avail. I just didn’t want my daughter to know how scared I felt.
Then my alarm went off (6AM) and it was this day. And I looked for some music to listen to to help us wake up.
Kate Bush’ss Hounds of Love. Feels great on a day that needs bravery.
Also I’m not getting on social media this week. It’s kind of like a strike, it seems. And I’m wondering about what will be lost without social media as we’ve known it the last ten or fifteen years. I wish there would be a return to websites like this one. I know very few people come here right now — totally normal. But it would sure be great if there were some kind of more analog community to be built up. I would miss being in contact with a lot of people. We can get by without social media, I think. Build these connections ourselves, in a non-addictive way. Only the positive aspects of social media to be retained.